Oxford Learning Academy

Uniform Policy
Ages 1-5 are required to wear uniforms each day. ​
Students should be well groomed and neat in appearance each day
Where To Find Uniforms
Academy uniforms are available at many local stores such as Kenny Tees, Burlington Coat Factory, Walmart, JC-Penney’s, and Target.
Oxford Learning Academy, LLC also has periodic sales of Logo Shirts and Spirit Day shirts throughout the year. Parents will be notified by their Academy Teacher, of all upcoming Spirit Days.
Dress standards
Plain standard polo shirts in solid navy blue, white, or light blue without striped collar or sleeves are permitted.
Slacks/pants (uniform style)
Solid navy blue or khaki (beige) are permitted.
Skirts, shorts, and dresses
Solid navy blue or khaki (beige) are permitted.
Must be no shorter than 4” from the back of the knee.
Girls are encouraged to wear shorts under their skirts.
Shoes and socks
Shoes must have closed toes and closed heels. No sandals or slipper-type footwear.
Shoes must be secure on the foot (tied, zippered, straps, etc.).
Solid colored socks in white, hunter green, light blue, navy blue, khaki, or black must be worn.
Girls may wear tights/hose in solid neutrals (example: white, navy blue, black, hunter green, or khaki) Footless tights/hose may not be worn.
Hats may only be worn outside.
*** Note : Infants are not required to be in dress code.